About Me

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I'm Curtis Henley, a Software Developer!

My prior experience working on and leading teams provide me with the ability to adapt to new environments and to start contributing to projects quickly. I love being faced with complex problems, as it gives me the opportunity to push myself to better develop my skills in order to solve the issue. Be It through pair programming or using my black belt in Google-Fu. Writing code is a great stress reliever and anxiety reducer for me.

Coding keeps my mind focused and working on the task at hand. I love the problem-solving aspect that comes with this field. Sometimes I could code for hours at a time once I know what it is I want/need to build. The thrill of figuring out the puzzle is gratifying for me. It makes working on new tasks that help me build up my skills as a Software developer an absolute joy. I'm excited to see where my career as a Software Developer takes me.

Name: Curtis Henley
From: Florida, US

What's In My Toolbox

I use my creative problem solving abilities to build full-stack web applications. My tools are C#, PostgreSQL, ASP.NET, JavaScript, Bootstrap, HTML and CSS. I have listed my key skills that I will bring to your project.

I use C# on a daily basis to build websites and web apps. You can see examples of my work where I implement C# in my projects sections

I use proven design patterns and frameworks to build websites. ASP.NET Core Web and MCV fits the bill for most projects. Check out my projects to see examples!

I use vanilla JS and built these JS Challenges to showcase my skills.

I use HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap to build beautiful and responsive websites. Bootstrap is a powerful tool that makes working with the front end a breeze.

I use Git and Github for all of my projects. Git a great source control option that helps me implement CI/CD with my publishing's.

My projects all utilize a database. I have used Postgres on all of them. I can write SQL in any DB platform.

Projects I've Built

Here I have on display complete, functional projects to demonstrate the skill I can bring to your team. All of these projects are full-stack web applications that I built from the ground up and hosted online for you to demo easily. Contact me to get a walk through of my work to see how I will bring value to your team.

bug tracker logo

StatTrack is a Full Stack Issue Tracking System app built with the Microsoft Stack

contactpro logo

A Full Stack contact managing system built with ASP.NET MVC, C#, and Postgres

blog logo

A Full Stack Blog page built with ASP.NET MVC, C#, and Postgres

Smaller Challenges I've Built

I've turned some common coding challenge questions into projects to better showcase my abilities with JavaScript. These challenges also showcase my ability to work on front-end projects. All of the challenges below are published and can be demo'd by clicking on the learn more button that appears when you hover over an icon.

foresight mortgage logo

A mortgage loan calculator that takes in three pieces of information calculates payments out for the full term provided. Built with JS, CSS, HTML, and Bootstrap

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palin-droid logo

Palin-Droid is an app built to find palindromes with JS, CSS, HTML, and Bootstrap

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word reflect logo

An app that reverses and displays whatever word it's given. Built with JS, CSS, HTML, and Bootstrap

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soiree logo

An app that tracks event attendance statistics and organizes them by city. Built with JS, CSS, HTML, and Bootstrap

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fizz buzz logo

An app that utilizes the "Fizz Buzz" Coding challenge. Built with JS, CSS, HTML, and Bootstrap

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notary logo

An app that displays a range of numbers (1-100) on the page when a button is pressed, built with JS, CSS, HTML, and Bootstrap

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Everything looking good already? Contact me now and maybe we can work together!

What I Write About

I try to keep up with my blog on a regular basis. I find it important to share what I've learned to help those that had the same questions that I once had

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